How to Safely Fix Your Garage Door Cables

Wondering where that strange noise is coming from every time you try to open your garage door? Have you also noticed the door is not moving the way it used to?

This is a scenario that we have seen time and time again. We, at Overhead Door of Nova Scotia, are experienced garage door technicians who are here to help YOU figure out what is going on with that garage door of yours!

Before you even think of repairing that garage door yourself, you have to decide exactly what is broken. But you check the garage door opener and springs and they seem to be working as they always do. You look around more and you just can’t quite put your finger on it.

Don’t be too hard on yourself! Knowing how to fix a garage door is not something that comes naturally to anyone. With all the types of hardware that work together, when one thing breaks, everything else breaks with it.

We are here to tell you the main functions of all of these important parts so you can understand exactly how a garage door is repaired.

A garage door system with all the working parts.

Have you taken the time to look at the mechanisms of a garage door when it moves? Probably not. Knowing the various parts of your garage door system can help you detect when one of them is damaged.

Main Hardware Systems of a Garage Door


The cables are located on both sides of the garage door. They work with the springs (which we will explain the function of soon) to cancel out the weight of the garage door. The cables serve as a piece of hardware that transfers the energy from the springs in order to lift the door open. Because of this, cables are also called lift cables.

Crucial to know! Don’t confuse lift and safety cables!

Safety cables and lift cables are not the same things. Safety cables are installed alongside extension springs - another part we will explain soon - to prevent injury from happening if the spring ever breaks. Hence, safety cables.


As we promised! The core function of springs:

There are two types of springs - torsions and extension springs - that can be used depending on the size of your garage door and the amount of room that is available. Each spring performs differently and is vital in understanding how your garage door operates.

Extension springs

Extension springs are used for smaller doors when there is not a lot of space above the door. Cables travel through pulleys from the bottom brackets of the door to then connect to the springs.

This spring system occurs above the horizontal tracks that the garage door slides on. A spring is placed on both sides of the door so the door moves in unison. When the door is closed, tension is created in the springs since they are stretched to capacity. This acts as a counterbalance for when the door opens. Extension springs are also called stretch springs because of this function.

Safety cables are essential to install with extension springs because of the constant pressure that is created with the springs. When an extension spring breaks, it could fiercely shatter and cause a lot of damage.

Torsion springs

Torsion springs are used for most normal size garage doors where there is an ample amount of room above the door before the ceiling of your garage. They are safer and less noisy when installed correctly. You may find either one spring or a set of two springs depending on the size and weight of your door.

Unlike extension springs, safety cables are not necessary. This is due to a metal pole that runs through the middle of the spring or springs. Drums are connected to each end of the pole and the lift cables wind around the drums when the door opens. The other end of the lift cables are connected to bottom brackets on the bottom of the garage door.

Still with us? Okay, great.

So now imagine the garage door opening. The torsion spring, which is packed with force, begins to unwind. The drums begin to spin, and the lift cables wrap around the drums which begins to lift the garage door open.

Garage door’s Torsion springs (on the left) and Garage door’s Extension springs (on the right)

Torsion (on the left) and extension springs (on the right) appear similar but operate differently.

Whether you need to replace the springs or cables, we highly recommend buying your parts from a garage door specialist. Doing so ensures high-quality and durable components that will not break and cause you damage.

When Should You Replace Garage Door Cables?

Your cables are subject to a lot of wear and tear on the daily because of the constant friction happening when the door is used. There are some things you can look out for that will help you identify when you need to replace your cables.

If you notice the door is not aligned evenly on the track, this could cause more friction in one area of the cables. This causes that part of the cable to break down faster. Frequent inspection of the cables can prevent this from happening.

Moisture is another factor to look out for especially if you live somewhere where it often rains or snows. On top of that, dirt and insects trapped in your wet cables can cause some serious rusting and corrosion.

This garage door is a Cambridge CS Design, 10' x 7', Ice White door and overlays, Clear Panoramic windows.

Do you like this style? This garage door is a Cambridge CS Design, 10' x 7', Ice White door and overlays, Clear Panoramic windows.

Preventive maintenance

As you may have realized, without proper maintenance, your garage door can really start to suffer over time. This is why it is vital to the health of your garage door to have frequent visual inspections completed by a professional. How often you need an inspection depends on the amount you use your garage door- the key factor being the number of cycles per year.

Don’t procrastinate an inspection! You may not notice any signs of wear and tear until it’s too late but, with the help of a professional, you can get them identified right away.

Garage door professionals will look at your garage door system as a whole and try to pinpoint exactly what is not working by examining each and every part. If all parts are working properly, then the system should last a lot longer.

Annual maintenance inspections are extremely important. However, you should aim to inspect your cables, springs, and other parts, once a month. To assist you with this monthly inspection, we have prepared a checklist for you. This list will help prevent parts from breaking and you will be able to maintain your garage door like a pro!

Here are the 5 simple tasks you should complete monthly:

● Lubricate your hardware

● Clean the tracks

● Follow the manual guide

● Balance your garage door

● Inspect all the parts every month

Why should you get help from a professional to fix garage door cables safely instead of doing it yourself?

You can greatly increase your chances of injuring yourself or your loved one if you attempt to fix your garage door yourself. It is easy for a spring to lose tension if you are not sure exactly what you are doing. This can lead to serious injury or damage.

A trained garage door technician will be able to solve your problems and you won’t have to worry about possibly injuring yourself. They have the tools, knowledge, and experience to get the job done.

Please don’t try to fix your garage door system on your own! It is very likely that you will damage it more which will then increase your repair costs and could potentially cause you serious harm.

Potential hazards associated with do-it-yourself garage door repairs

Bodily injuries

A garage door can weigh, at the least, 150 pounds or 68 kilograms. Since cables and springs are under consistent tension, if they ever break, that 150-pound door can come crashing down on you.

Property damages

If your garage door breaks, it may not only damage you, but also any of your possessions that are surrounding the area, your car for example. You will now have to add on the cost of replacing or repairing your damaged possessions to the cost of your even more damaged garage door.


If you end up destructing your garage door more, your home will now be an open invitation to possible intruders with poor intentions.

This garage door is a North Hatley LP Design, 9' x 8', Moka Brown, Clear windows.

Does this style appeal to you? This single garage door is a North Hatley LP Design, in Moka Brown color, with Clear windows.

Contact Our Garage Door Experts

No matter what your garage door needs are, you can put your trust in garage door professionals like ours. They will inspect, adjust, and test your garage door system because they are certified to do so.

When you put your trust in professionals like ours, we will save you time and money with our garage door services, including maintenance and repair. We give you the option to participate in an annual maintenance program or pay by the hour.

Have peace of mind knowing that your garage door is operating safely and smoothly all year round with Overhead Door of Nova Scotia!

For any garage door service, contact us now at 1-800-561-7555!

Last, but certainly not least, if you are thinking about replacing your garage door, we divided our garage doors into the 3 major styles to help you find the garage door that suits the exterior of your home easily. Our specialists can assist you in choosing the best color, design, and accessories to suit your style and your budget.

Have you already found the perfect garage door for you? Get a free quote now.

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